A little bit about me

"If you want to see more to life, head outside and look for it!"

Hey there! I'm Elie

Born and raised in Beirut, Lebanon, I grew up in a family of two other siblings with my parents. The outdoor life taught me a lot about responsibilities and a great skill set. This is what inspired me to start enjoying nature more.

At the age of 25, I joined a Facebook group who was going on expeditions and hikes throughout the mountains. That’s when I started realizing my passion.
A big part of what I love about the mountains is the peace I find even in dangerous, not for everyone, territories, and the adrenaline of every challenging climb, distance and various difficulties. By overcoming them, I was able to grow, conquer many fears and become a reliable person.

When I travelled for the first time on my own, I had no idea that I would become so independent and mature enough to start exploring the world by myself. Thanks to that, I was able to go on solo adventures, from hiking and camping, to road trips and travel.

In 2022, decided to move to Canada after being offered a good job opportunity. I also took that as a chance to explore and discover more, allowing me to do what I love.

In the corporate world, I am a Web and Software developer. So I created EKADVENTURE as a way to pursue my dreams, and to hopefully inspire you through my experiences, by sharing what I love to do the most.

So what does EKADVENTURE mean exactly? Well, my full name is Elie Kadoury, so if you separate the letters, it becomes Elie Kadoury’s Adventure.

My versatility and my ability to adapt to any given situation and environment have helped me pursue all types of adventures.
One thing remains constant, my love and passion for nature, and exploring the world.

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Get to know me a bit more

My favorite outdoor activity is backpacking. I can’t even describe how satisfying it is to hike 15-20 Kms a day, set up camp when you arrive, wake up and do it again! 

Don’t get me wrong, there are a lot of times where I need to just stay at home and do absolutely nothing! However, the outdoors always seem to have a way of keeping my energy levels high. 

In 2020, I was able to hike Mount Hermon Lebanon’s second highest peak! 20 km back and forth with an altitude of 2,814 m.

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© Elie Kadoury