The Yeti Mountain, Charlevoix

The Yeti mountain is one of the best Hiking Spots to go to and it is located in the Charlevoix region of Quebec. More specifically, it is situated in Hautes-Gorges-de-la-Rivière-Malbaie national parc.
It is also worth noting, that this mountain neighbors the infamous Acropole des Draveurs trail in the Montagne des Érables (The Maple Mountain)

The hike is considered to be moderate and also, longer than usual. The reason for that is its River Path, cutting through a large chain of mountains.

Although the hike is long, it contains a lot of hidden gems, and is well marked to guide you through its dense forest.

Yeti, Riverain Top

The view at the top shows what it is said to have been comparable in size to today’s Himalayas.

The best times to hike this mountain are from June through October, especially during the fall season. The amount of colorful trees can be breathtaking.

The trail is called The Riverain and it consists of a 21.6 Km Back and Forth that can be shortened to approximately 17 Km Loop if you decide to return via The Rapides parallel trail, or 12.5 Km Loop if you take the bus from the parking to a checkpoint nearby and return via the parallel trail.

We chose to begin our hike from the parking lot and connect the parallel trail on our way back, as we wanted to challenge ourselves while enjoying the surrounding area.

To reach the top, be on the lookout for a hidden path separated from the main trail. Although, usually in the summer, it is well marked and can be found easily.

Yeti Riverain View 1
Yeti Riverain View 2

📋 Hike Stats for Le Riverain trail

Distance: 17 km / 11 miles

Elevation Gain: 170 meters

Difficulty: Easy to Moderate

Dog Friendly: Yes, on a leash

Toilets: At the entrance and at the end

Duration: 5 Hrs

📍 How to get to the Trailhead

The trailhead can be easily found near the Welcome Cabin. You can use the map below to either find the parking lot, or check your waypoints. At the end of the Riverain trail, you can either take the bus or the car to the start of the Rapides trail and head back.

🎫 Hiking Pass

You will need a hiking pass that you can buy at the Welcome Cabin near the parking lot. The pass costs around 9$ per Adult and it is free of charge for children.

Yeti Riverain Scenic End

🥪 Where to eat nearby

Although La Malbaie is the closest town to the mountain. We decided to stop by Baie Saint-Paul on our way back and have lunch at the Incontournable Restaurant.


  • Anna-Maria Gonzales

    Hi! I love your content! What food do you take with you for a hike like this? Is there any type of food that you find easier to carry? Thank you!

    • Thank you ! I usually prepare cold meals such as salads full of nutrients (Tuna salad, chickpeas salad, etc.)

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I’m Elie, and a big part of what I love about the mountains is the peace I find even in all types of territories, and the adrenaline of every challenging climb, distance and various difficulties.

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