Weekend in Prince Edward Island

Prince Edward Island is a Canadian province, located on the eastern side of the country. The island is rich with ancient history and cultural diversities, as well as popular sea food and many other types.

We decided to go on a long road trip that began from Quebec City, and arriving in the Province’s Capital – Charlottetown. This is where we stayed for an entire weekend and from which we were able to drive to multiple sites on the island.

The trip usually takes between 10 to 11 hours, depending on where you start from Quebec City, taking into account the time difference between the two provinces which is 1 hour. This is why we needed to finish early on Friday if we wanna make the best of the weekend there, as we were not able to take the day off.

With everything packed, we started driving at around 3:15 pm, which gave us the opportunity to see the sunset on the road. It was during February, so we did not have that much time before the sun could set. 

Sunset PEI Road

📷 Shot taken by Myriam Bourget

We had already reserved an Airbnb, a room in Charlottetown which was one of the best stays that we could hope for, especially since it is located at only minutes from downtown.

The place also features a secure lock that can be opened with a code, which was perfect for us, since we were arriving really late that night. It was approximately 1:45 am.

During the weekend, the Jack Frost Festival was taking place having various activities from horse-drawn carriage rides to magic and fire shows.

PEI Horse Carriage
PEI Fire show

We also had a lot of fun playing some arcade games that were offered by the festival, as well as listening to some musical tributes for shows like Frozen and others. This was the first day, during which we ate lunch at an infamous Irish Resto-Pub, and our favorite yet, The Old Triangle.

We were lucky to see the fireworks at night and have these kind of events, as we were able to start the weekend on a good note, and enjoy the spontaneous moments.

PEI Festival Arcade
PEI Festival Musical

The next day, Sunday morning, we headed to Cavendish to hike a well known trail called Homestead. It is one of the windiest trails, even sometimes during Summer, though it is considered relatively easy to do and it takes about 2 hours to do the short loop.

We started hiking early in the morning and finished somewhere around noon, then we drove for 50 mins towards a café and board game lounge called The Hive + Honeycomb. The food there is delicious and there are all sorts of board games to choose from.

After staying for 3 hours, we decided to return to Charlottetown and spend some quality time ice skating near the Founder’s Food Hall & Market. There was also music and lights offered by the festival, however, you have to bring your own skates as there is not any rental place nearby.

We ended our second day and final night at the island by grabbing a beer at The Old Triangle, and then returned to where we were staying to start packing, as the next day we were heading back home.

PEI Hive Board
PEI Ice Skating

On Monday, we decided to work remotely at a local Starbucks till noon. This was our first time testing how we can manage working while travelling, and even if we did not find the quietest place to do that, we were still able to be productive.

It was Family Day at the province, so most of the shops were closed. However, we did take note of the quieter places, and we will be sure to go there next time.

Before leaving the province, we had lunch at The Lone Oak Brewpub. It was one of the best brewpubs we’ve ever been to, and their oysters are a must!

It was 2:30 pm, and before heading on the main road, we took a detour to the welcome sign of the island, as well as those from other provinces nearby, and took some pictures. We managed to visit Nova Scotia and New Brunswick, meaning that, technically, we visited four provinces, along with Quebec and PEI, in the same weekend.

Even though we knew that we were arriving late that night, we had no regrets. The hardest part of our journey was the distance to cover between the two provinces, and with good time management and planning, it was a successful trip for us.

PEI Welcome Sign
Nova Scotia Welcome Sign
New Brunswick Welcome Sign
Quebec Welcome Sign

📋 Trip Stats

Distance covered from Quebec: 915 km

Duration taken from Quebec: 10.5hrs

Arrival Time in PEI: 1:45 am (Inc. +1hr time difference)

Distance covered from PEI: 940 km

Duration taken from PEI: 9.5hrs

Arrival Time in Quebec: 11:00pm (Inc. -1hr time difference)

📍 Places and Roadmap

You can use the map below to find the places we went to, as well as different waypoints to navigate.

🥪 Where to eat

We ate our first breakfast at Living Grace Café, a cozy place with really good coffee and delicious food.
Living Grace Breakfast
The Old Triangle is a must for both lunch and dinner. And if you are not feeling hungry, it offers one of the best Irish Beers there is on the island.
Old Triangle Food Beer
One of the coziest places that offers social games, as well as delicious food, The Hive + Honeycomb. It is about 30 mins away from Charlottetown, but it is worth the drive.
Hive Honeycomb Eat
On the morning before our hike, we went to Receiver Coffee – Milky Way. The place offers healthy food and a really good coffee.
Receiver Coffee Eat
On our last day, we had lunch at The Lone Oak Brewpub. Their oysters are a must and their beer is so refereshing.
Lone Oak Brewpub Eat

🚗 Other attractions nearby

Anne of Green Gables heritage place is home to Canada’s most loved fictional character, Anne Shirley.
Anne of Green Gables House
Lovers Lane


  • Myriam B.


    Thank you so much for sharing your adventures! They really inspire me to go outside and to try them too!

    I can’t wait to see the next adventures that you post! 😀

    • Thank you so much for your wonderful comment ! I appreciate it ! 😀

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I’m Elie, and a big part of what I love about the mountains is the peace I find even in all types of territories, and the adrenaline of every challenging climb, distance and various difficulties.

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